Welcome to the home of the post-post modern artist, writer, and video maker the Obscure.
Wipe your shoes, clear your mind, and play nice with the other children.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Pick of the Now: Tennis

I listen to a lot of things with a chaotic beat, destructive lyrics, and feedback like a wildcat chainsaw. Often times, I need to chill out in the melodic zone. That's where modern indie buzz-bands come in handy. So many of them specialize in that chill mood that keeps you from grinding your teeth. With bands like Chairlift, Lowers Dens, and Beach House, the movement now is to focus on harmonies and melodies rather than swift beats and harsh cutting. One of my current favorites is Tennis who wallow in a retro sound not unlike the pop of the 70s, but perfected to be timeless. If I were to listen to this fifty years from now I wouldn't be able to tell you what decade it is from. Here is "Origins" from their album "Young and Old."

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